Thanks for the Coffee Maker!


Some of the best things about living in Southeast England?


Being able to hop on the train and go just about anywhere. Being 45 minutes from London. Getting to visit castles, and ancient sites, and towns that date back to the Middle Ages, or older!


One of the worst things? Instant coffee.
Everyone here drinks tea, most people drink a bit of coffee as well, but it’s nothing like in the states. It’s sort of like the popularity of coffee vs. tea in the USA –only in reverse.


So understandably I was thrilled when Christina, generously, decided to get us a coffee pot. It was great! We’d been subsisting on instant coffee, but suddenly we were transformed from the world of stale, boring coffee, to a place where, well, you could really get into the coffee experience. Being able to smell coffee as it’s brewing, and enjoying the prospect of having a whole 10 cups to drink all to yourself is amazing.


Anyways, as winter officially rolls into Southeast England –it’s been a mild, mild, winter in this section of the country, but now mid-January it’s FREEZING, I’m especially over the moon with this little coffee pot.  It’s great to have hot drinks, but it’s 100 times better when that hot drink is good, freshly-ground, real, dark, coffee. Yum!


Thanks Chir –and as we say here, Cheers!





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