The Pen

The other day mom and I were going to town on one of our many trips. I reached for a pen – a pen that wasn’t there. I sighed and looked at mom. She shrugged. And then confessed that she had, once again, taken the pen(s) out of the car.
She says shes ok with one pen, but not two. If she sees two pens in the car – they both get taken out. My argument is a bit more complex.  I argue that when she takes them both out, then we have none. If I bring one pen to town, and there happens to be another in there already, and we get home – she takes them both in and the next time we go – I am pen-less! Therefore I might bring another pen the next time – thus the multiplying of the pens.
None the less, I had no pen.

At our last stop – Napa – I asked to borrow a pen. Donnie handed me a pen. “You can keep this one” he said. Oh boy! Another pen! Mom would be more than pleased!  He then instructed me to blog about said pen. Something about becoming famous over his pen.

The “pens” at last count there was 18. Looks like someone needs to do a pen return!

I was telling Amanda this story this morning when she giggled over the computer and then told me her own pen story:
“Tell the world” she said in more or less words that really mean write this in your blog post.
“Tell the world that I brought a Napa pen ALL the way to England with me, because no other pen writes so well as a Napa pen!”
I sighed.

The “Imposters.” Clearly, outnumbered and not standing a chance.

We go through a lot of pens out here at the shop. No one knows why really, but we seem to have a continual supply of pens rotating in and out. Most of them, however, do not work. The lucky few that do, end up getting taken, or chewed by the dog. Yea. We blame the dog. I suppose everyone has this problem – the case of the disappearing pens. But Amanda was and is right when she says – there is not a pen that writes as well as the Napa pen!
Yoshi enjoying a fresh pen
Maybe that’s why our blog here has been so quiet. Maybe, just maybe, we have all been so busy writing with actual pens, that we’ve forgotten how to type! Well, ok, maybe that isn’t why. But it makes for a good story! As does a pen!

Thanks to Donnie Davies for this idea, its one of your best yet.

And that, concludes, the story of The Pen.
*No pens were harmed in the making of this post.

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